
Access list item

Serde-friendly AccountDiff shadow.

The block type returned from RPC calls. This is generic over a TX type.

The block header type returned from RPC calls.

Ad-Hoc trace API type

Raw bytes wrapper

A wrapper type for array of bytes.

Call response

Call contract request (eth_call / eth_estimateGas)

Call Result

Aux type for Diff::Changed.

Create response

Craete Result

eth chain version, difficulty, and head of chain which soft fork? Olympic, Frontier, Homestead, Metropolis, Serenity, etc.


Filter Builder

Fixed-size uninterpreted hash type with 20 bytes (160 bits) size.

Fixed-size uninterpreted hash type with 32 bytes (256 bits) size.

Fixed-size uninterpreted hash type with 64 bytes (512 bits) size.

Bloom hash type with 256 bytes (2048 bits) size.

A log produced by a transaction.

A diff of some chunk of memory.

details of a peer

Stores active peer count, connected count, max connected peers and a list of peers for parity node

Filter for pending transactions (only openethereum/Parity)

ip address of both local and remote

chain protocol info

pip version, difficulty, and head

Raw bytes of a signed, but not yet sent transaction

Data for recovering the public address of signed data.

Reward action

Struct representing signed data returned from Accounts::sign method.

Data for offline signed transaction

Serde-friendly StateDiff shadow.

A diff of some storage value.


Information about current blockchain syncing operations.

Trace-Filtering API trace type

Trace filter

Trace Filter Builder

Description of a Transaction, pending or in the chain.

Transaction data for signing.

“Receipt” of an executed transaction: details of its execution.

Send Transaction Parameters

Transaction Pool Content Info

Transaction Pool Inspect Info

Transaction Pool Status

Little-endian large integer type Unsigned 64-bit integer.

Little-endian large integer type 128-bit unsigned integer.

Little-endian large integer type 256-bit unsigned integer.

A record of an executed VM operation.

A record of the execution of a single VM operation.

A record of a full VM trace for a CALL/CREATE.

Miner’s work package



An external action type.

Block Identifier

Block Number

Call type.

Serde-friendly Diff shadow.

Condition to filter pending transactions

Recovery message data.


Reward type.

The current state of blockchain syncing operations.

To Filter

Description of the type of trace to make

Represents condition on minimum block number or block timestamp.

Transaction Identifier

Type Definitions

Access list


Index in block